Distilled vs Purified Water: Key Differences and Health Benefits

Understanding the Different Types of Water: Purified, Distilled, and Alkaline

purified water vs distilled water

At ZenWTR, we prioritize providing clean, vapor-distilled water that is not only better for you but also better for the planet. Understanding the differences between various types of water is essential to making informed decisions for your hydration.

In this article, we’ll explore key distinctions and common questions surrounding purified, distilled, and alkaline water, helping you choose the best option for your health and wellness.

The Difference Between Purified and Distilled Water

Both purified and distilled water go through rigorous processes to remove contaminants, but the methods used and their final characteristics differ.

  • Purified Water: This water is treated using filtration systems such as reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, or deionization to remove chemicals, bacteria, and other impurities. Purified water generally meets a high standard of cleanliness, making it safe for drinking and daily use.

  • Distilled Water: Distilled water, like ZenWTR, undergoes a specific process where water is boiled into steam and then condensed back into liquid form, leaving behind minerals, impurities, and contaminants. This process creates exceptionally clean water, free from any dissolved solids.

The key difference is in the method of purification: while purified water removes many impurities, distilled water takes it a step further by eliminating even trace minerals. This level of purity is ideal for those seeking the cleanest form of hydration.

Is Alkaline Water Good for Kidneys?

Alkaline water has grown in popularity for its potential health benefits, but what about its effects on kidney health?

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water, which proponents claim helps neutralize acid in the body and improve overall wellness. However, for people with healthy kidneys, alkaline water is generally considered safe. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the body’s pH balance, and they will efficiently process the minerals found in alkaline water.

That said, individuals with compromised kidney function should consult with a healthcare provider before making alkaline water a regular part of their diet. In such cases, the kidneys may not be able to process the minerals efficiently, which could lead to an imbalance. It's essential to make sure your water consumption aligns with your health needs.

Why People Choose to Drink Distilled Water

Drinking distilled water offers a level of purity that appeals to those who prioritize clean, mineral-free water. Many choose distilled water to avoid potential contaminants found in regular tap water, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and chlorine. This makes distilled water a popular choice for those with sensitive health conditions, such as weakened immune systems or chemical sensitivities.

However, because distilled water has no minerals, some people prefer to add a mineral supplement or balance their hydration with other water types that contain essential electrolytes.

Is Distilled Water the Same as Boiling Water?

This is a common question: is distilled water simply boiled water? The answer is no—there’s a significant difference.

  • Boiling Water: Boiling tap water kills bacteria and other pathogens, making it safer to drink, but it doesn’t remove dissolved solids, minerals, or chemical contaminants. After boiling, impurities remain in the water, meaning it’s not fully purified.

  • Distilled Water: Distillation goes beyond boiling by converting water into steam and then condensing it back into liquid form. This process removes both microorganisms and dissolved substances, making it one of the purest forms of water available.

Understanding Distilled Water pH

Water's pH level measures its acidity or alkalinity, with 7 being neutral. Distilled water typically has a slightly acidic pH, ranging between 5.5 and 7, because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air after the distillation process. This absorption lowers its pH, making it mildly acidic.

However, the slightly acidic nature of distilled water has little impact on your body’s pH. Your body maintains its pH balance through complex mechanisms, regardless of the water you drink. Many choose distilled water for its purity, knowing that its pH level is not a concern when consumed as part of a balanced diet.


At ZenWTR, we believe in offering water that is as pure and clean as possible. By choosing Vapor distilled water, you're opting for a hydration option free from contaminants, trace minerals, and impurities.

Understanding the distinctions between different types of water allows you to make the best choices for your lifestyle and health.

Whether you're curious about alkaline water's benefits or seeking the purest hydration, ZenWTR offers clean, vapor-distilled water that supports a healthy and mindful way of life.

Stay informed and stay hydrated with ZenWTR.